yajnOpavItaM is an important symbol in the Hindu culture. It is a symbol of the devata-s and is a very important tool in performing yajna. I used to hear from my elders that yajnOpavItaM is only for brAhmaNa, kshatrIya, and vaishya varNa-s. My inquiries into why led me to various answers from elders. Some of […]

In Yuddha Kanda, when Bharata meets Rama and pleads him to unburden him and be crowned as the King, Valmiki notes the dialogue in several shlokas. One of the shlokas is जगदद्याभिषिक्तन् त्वामनुपश्यतु सर्वतः । प्रतपन्तमिवादित्यं मध्याह्ने दीप्ततेजसं ॥ “World will see you glowing splendidly at noon when you are crowned today”. Rama, being the […]

COVID19 has changed a lot of things. It is clear that we are finding value in a lot of things which we took for granted in the past. Nature seems to have taken over at quite a sharp pace so much so that even Ganga and Jamuna rivers look clean! However, the early days of […]

Sabarimala verdict hit the proverbial raw nerve of every Internet Hindu (its a pity people forgot this term instead of wearing it as a badge of honor). Twitter as usual was abuzz. Like the congregation of American consumers on a black friday, Internet Hindus across twitter gave muh-tod-jawab to the degenerate BJP/RSS combine for doing […]

How do we define how Indian society functions? Let us turn to Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya. From his seminal work “Integral Human -ism”: While other concepts of state are right oriented, the Indian concept of Dharma Rajya is duty-oriented, there is no scope here for rights being trampled upon or for any hankering after unlimited rights. […]